
Conscious Leaders Care about Loving Kindness

What? Loving kindness? You may be asking why write about that. Well, our friend and tribe member Bill Cumming says that “Loving-kindness is what is required in every situation.”

Every situation is pretty broad. That would include work life, family life, financial life, personal life, etc. Basically all situations. That’s a pretty sweeping statement to be sure. And here is the rub: “You cannot give unconditional love unless you have experienced it.”

Wow! How do you do that? First, realize that “Pain exists, suffering is optional.” Here are some additional insights: 
  • All damage is caused by people who have no experience of their value and worth in the world.
  • Unwell people are likely to damage themselves and others.
  • There is no one to blame, there is only taking responsibility.
  • Many unwell people are not interested in creating a planet for everyone.
  • Thinking you are brighter than another is an indication of insecurity and fear.
  • Thinking that your position makes you better or more important is a sign of insecurity and fear.
  • Any judgment or evaluation of another means you have completely misunderstood the nature of the Miracle.
  • Every single action, word and thought is either a demonstration of loving-kindness or other.


If you would like to go to the next level, I highly recommend checking out Bill’s next live program here

Note: I am a board member of the Boothby Institute. The mission is all about giving others the actual experience of loving kindness (not just more words and theories).