
The Daily Boxes


That which gets measured gets done.  ~ Peter Drucker

Measuring anything makes sure we'll get more of it!  An effective tool to help us get more of the good stuff is something I first learned about in an 10-week leadership intensive over 10 years ago (shout out to CultureSync).  The tool? It's called the Daily Boxes.

The daily boxes are designed to help you keep track of how you’re doing in important parts of your life. Using it regularly can give you insights on areas you want to work on.

The focus was on Money, Exercise, Attitude, Rejuvenation, Nutrition and Support (The $EARNS model). We tracked these categories every day for weeks, using a rating scale of 1 to 5, with 5 meaning we were really getting it done. It’s fun. It’s something you can make a game out of, if others are doing it with you.

While most of the categories are obvious, support may need a brief introduction. What does support mean? It's synonymous with service. Giving it freely to others and being able to ask for and receive it yourself.  When we get into service, all kinds of good things begin to happen.

How does the idea of tracking the Daily Boxes resonate with you? Are you challenged in any of the areas?