
On Creating More Abundance


“We must be the change we wish to see.” - Mahatma Gandhi

There are two basic mindsets that are available to all of us in this life. One is scarcity. The other is abundance.

What’s scarcity?  It's about limitations. There's never enough. Not enough time. Not enough money. Not enough resources. Not enough support. You would have thought the internet would have put this one to bed forever, but strangely it still lingers around.

Abundance is about thriving. It's about having more of the good stuff. Having wealth. Having health. Happiness. Good friends. A loving family.

So, if we understand that where we place our focus, is where our energy goes, then putting our focus on abundance will bring more energy to creating abundance. This translates into bringing more abundance into our lives. We can begin to consciously cultivate an abundance mindset!

A good first step to cultivating the abundance mindset is self-care, the process of tending to your own well-being.

How? It can be as simple as starting the day with a simple reflection on the fact that we live in a miracle. That everything you do this day matters. You can add in a short reading from an inspirational book (I like the Psalms) to get your mind and heart in the right place. A few quiet moments alone, to get centered and grounded. That's all you need.

Are you willing to forget about scarcity and begin to cultivate an abundance mindset? Can you see where this can take you?

Does the idea of a self-care practice resonate with you?