
Time Management for Highly Creative People™ - Session 4 (Video)


We are the only species on the planet, so far as we know, to have invented a communal memory stored neither in our genes nor in our brains. The warehouse of this memory is called the library.
~ Carl Sagan
In this session, we talk about creating the most important library in the world (for you). That is, your own personal archives of your days. Each moment you live adds up to create your life. To reflect upon your days and review them periodically (as a means for moving forward), adds immensely to the depth and meaning of your life. This is what is meant by the examined life.

If you are implementing the system prescribed here (and we know hundreds of people are doing just that), then this session will be of great value to you. We are describing a way to take your daily 3x5 cards and make them available for quick access at any time and especially each year when you create your yearly plan.

We mention a technology solution--using Evernote-- that is an optional add-on. Please do not use it as a replacement for archiving your physical 3x5 cards. As much as we love technology solutions, the future is always uncertain with technology companies. Keeping your 3x5 cards in high quality archival boxes is the surest way of preserving and honoring your past.

Coaching Tip: Many people wished they had known about this system 10 years ago. We understand that sentiment. Nonetheless, you have to start where you are today. Get started and stick to it. If it is right for you, you will have your personal library started in no time. If you have kids, you might introduce this system to them. They will thank you for it later.

The resources recommended in this session can be found here:

Levenger AL7595 NM Essential Card Wallet, Black

Levenger Deluxe Card Wallet - Black

Levenger Shirt Pocket Briefcase - Saddle

Levenger Note Card Bleachers - Dark Cherry (AD6755 DC)

Snap-N-Store 3x5 Index Card Box, Black (SNS01573)

Oxford 01351 Plastic Index Card Flip Top File Box Holds 300 3 x 5 Cards, Matte Black (1 EA)

C-Line Index Card Case for 3 x 5 Inch Index Cards, Assorted Colors, Set of 24 Cases (58335)

VAULTZ VZ01397 Vaultz Locking 8 x 5 Two-Drawer Index Card Box, 3000-Card Capacity, Black